Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Return of Absinthe

The green fairy has landed. For the first time since its ban in 1912, absinthe is now legal and available at your corner liquor store. Sure, we’ve all heard the stories: it causes hallucinations and psychotic behavior. It has prompted murder and caused Van Gogh to hack off his ear. Behind these myths is Artemisia absinthium, or wormwood, which releases a convulsant chemical, thujone, into the spirit. But you’ll likely pass out from alcohol poisoning before thujone has you seeing fairies. Instead, “the reason for absinthe’s kick is not to do with the wormwood, it’s the alcohol content,” says Jared Gurfein, president and CEO of Viridian Spirits, importer of Lucid absinthe. “The government had in its mind that thujone is a drug,” he says.

buy absinthe now